Key Benefits:
High Viscosity Cohesiveness: The gel delivers focused enhancement staying put.
Best Gel Hardness: Maintains in predictable outcomes shape and volume under the skin.
Excellent Formability: It allows sculpting and fantastic contouring of body areas.
Long Lasting: Gives aesthetic improvements that can last for up to 12 to 15 months.
Application Areas:
Body-contouring is very effective in defining the shape of a body and enhancing its contour.
Breast Volume Correction: Very suitable for shaping and defining volume of the breast.
Harmonization of Gluteus and Thighs: This type is very effective for asymmetry and irregularity.
Surface Smoothing: To eliminate surface irregularities for a more even skin texture.
Duration Of Action:
The aesthetic benefits of Wanna Fill 50cc actions extend for 12 to 15 months and thus lead to long-acting results.
Professional Utilization:
This product is indicated for professionals trained in injectable filler therapies to ensure that safe and effective application can be achieved.
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