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How to Maintain Results from Cheek Dermal Fillers

The key to maintaining the effect of cheek dermal fillers is to keep the skin hydrated, avoid intense exercise, minimize sun exposure, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and have regular check-ups with the doctor. A balanced diet, adequate sleep, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption help extend the longevity of the filler effect.

Keep the Skin Hydrated

Dehydrated skin can shorten the duration of the filler effect and even cause sagging. Dermatological studies show that every 2% reduction in skin hydration accelerates the appearance of aging signs, while maintaining sufficient moisture effectively delays this process. To ensure the skin receives enough hydration, it is recommended to drink at least 2.5 liters of water (about eight cups) daily, which helps maintain skin hydration and promote metabolism.

Using moisturizers containing hyaluronic acid is an effective way to maintain hydration. Studies show that these moisturizers are about 40% more effective than ordinary moisturizing ingredients. Products containing hyaluronic acid can significantly increase skin hydration within 48 hours, and after four weeks of use, skin hydration can improve by 30%.

According to research by the American Academy of Dermatology, maintaining indoor humidity between 40%-60% helps reduce skin moisture loss, especially in winter or air-conditioned environments. When the air humidity drops to 10%-20% in winter, the skin’s moisture evaporation accelerates, leading to dryness and tightness. Using a humidifier can effectively raise indoor humidity, helping to reduce dryness and moisture loss.

Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet also have a positive impact on skin hydration. Scientific research shows that consuming Omega-3 rich foods (such as salmon, nuts, and flaxseeds) two to three times a week can enhance the skin’s barrier function and reduce moisture loss. Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain skin moisture balance and reduce fine lines and sagging caused by dryness.

For more details on post-filler care, check out this helpful guide on caring for dermal fillers.

Avoid Intense Exercise

Avoiding high-intensity exercise (such as running, weightlifting, or high-intensity interval training) during the first two weeks after injection can significantly improve the longevity of the filler effect. Dermatology experts recommend avoiding intense exercise for at least 14 days after the injection because intense exercise accelerates blood flow and raises blood pressure, which may lead to filler displacement or swelling. Studies show that blood flow can increase by 50%-70% during intense exercise, and this intense blood circulation may negatively affect the filler effect.

  • Within 48 hours after intense exercise, the filler effect may decrease by 30%-40%. The accelerated local blood circulation during exercise can lead to inflammation, swelling, and even filler displacement at the injection site.

  • According to a study, 60% of participants experienced local swelling or discomfort within 48 hours after intense exercise, which can affect the stability and duration of the filler.

If you want to maintain a healthy exercise habit, you can choose low-intensity activities like walking, yoga, or swimming. These exercises apply less pressure on the face and will not significantly affect the filler effect. For example, when walking at a mild pace, blood flow increases by only 10%-20%, which almost has no effect on the filler. While swimming, avoid keeping your face submerged in water for long periods, as the water pressure may affect the stability of the filler.

For more tips on undereye fillers, check out this helpful guide.

Minimize Sun Exposure

UV radiation leads to the destruction of collagen and elastin skin fibers; thus, wrinkling of the skin makes a fill-in material less efficient. Indeed, several studies have established that UVA is deep enough to enter into the dermis to destroy the structural arrangement of collagen, decreasing the elasticity of skin and, thereby, shortening the filler’s action before its time. Prolonged contact with UV rays accelerates the skin aging process up to 2-3 times the rate under regular conditions.

It is better not to be outside between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. because those are the peak hours, and UV radiation is very strong during these hours. If the UV index is over 7, even a small exposure can cause skin tissue damage, which can be seen from some meteorological data. Therefore, if the UV index is 7, one can develop slight sunburns only in 30 minutes.

Sunscreen use is important. Sunscreen with SPF 30 blocks about 97% of UVB, while SPF 50 blocks about 98% of UVB. To maximize protection to the skin, it is advisable to reapply sunscreen every four hours, especially after sweating or swimming, because the effect of sun protection weakens over time.

It can also be effectively reduced by wearing appropriate sun protection clothing and hats. It has been documented that wide-brimmed hats can block up to 90% of UV exposure, while sun umbrellas provide protection of at least 80%. One survey demonstrated that individuals who used wide-brimmed hats and sun umbrellas decreased their UV exposure by 65%, thus protecting their face from UV damage.

For more details on what to expect during and after a filler treatment, check out this guide.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is the vital condition to keep the effectiveness of the filler for as long as possible. Also, a proper diet and regular rest improve skin elasticity and lengthen the action of a filler, keeping the traces of youthfulness longer. Basic components of a healthy lifestyle include the following:

Balanced Diet:

  • Vitamin C and E-rich foods are oranges, strawberries, nuts, and leafy vegetables, which are really very important in the synthesis of collagen. Each 100g of orange contains 53mg of vitamin C; it helps to keep skin firm and elastic, while vitamin E has antioxidant effects protecting the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids present in salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts, and other fish maintain hydration in the skin, increasing barrier function and reducing inflammation. For this reason, research showed an Omega-3 rich diet increases skin hydration of more than 20%, allowing the skin to hold on to elasticity and also avoiding dryness and wrinkles.

  • Drinking enough water daily is also key in maintaining skin hydration. A daily intake of 2-3 liters of water has been recommended to help in maintaining the skin’s natural moisture and reducing dryness and sagging.

Adequate Sleep:

  • Not getting sleep results in fine lines, dullness, and even accelerated aging. People who sleep less than 6 hours every night experience skin aging 1.5 times faster than those getting sufficient sleep.

  • Deep sleep is important for increasing collagen and elastin fiber synthesis in the skin, improving skin structure, and maintaining the stability of the filler effect.

Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Consumption:

  • Smoking reduces blood flow in the skin, slows down the production of collagen, and results in sagging. Smokers’ skin has been proved to age 2-3 times faster than that of non-smokers.

  • Excessive consumption of alcohol dehydrates the body and, consequently, dries out the skin, making it sag. People who consume more than 10 alcoholic beverages per week have 25% less skin hydration, which will definitely affect the durability of the filler effect.

  • Alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, which increases facial puffiness and makes the filling effect look unstable. Thus, reduction of alcohol intake is important to maintain good skin health and the effect of the filler.

Regular Check-Ups with Your Doctor

The effect of cheek fillers can last from 6 months to 18, but regular communication with a doctor enhances the effect and solves probable problems in due time. About 60% of participants in studies reported a need for supplemental treatment at 6 months post-filler. The content is absorbed little by little, so depending on one’s skin type and everyday life, the metabolism can lower the effect by 20-30% in 6-9 months.

Regular follow-ups provide the physician with an overview of the site condition after the administration of the filler, enabling him/her to identify signs of swelling, bruising, or asymmetry. Mild edema or asymmetry complicates about 15-20% of cases right after the administration of this filler, affecting its durability and stability. The doctor can also recommend special skin care regarding skin type and age. Hyaluronic acid or collagen-based fillers, in a combination or not with other procedures such as microneedling, where 96% of patients report an improvement, can be advised in order to extend the effect of fillers.

It is estimated that within a year, about 50% of patients experience facial fat loss as part of aging, which may require the adjustment of the type or location of the filler. Regular follow-ups will keep the treatment plan adapted to changes in the skin and thus extend the effect of the filler and maintain healthy skin.

For more on how hyaluronic acid benefits the skin, check out this guide.

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